Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Reason For God - Relativism..."Little Gods"

It is the current, the power, the force that really defines Western culture - specifically the United States. It destroys authority. It destroys morals. It destroys religion. It destroys absolute truth. What is it? Relativism.

Strangly, Keller addresses this subject in his chapter "How Can a Loving God Send People to Hell?" But makes perfect sense. In a relativistic world, no one deserves punishment, because right and wrong is defined by each individual person, not by some transcendent standard. The practical impossibility of this philosophy is evident. A world with absolutely no absolutes is a world in chaos. Everyone has some kind of moral compass - as humans we are created in God's image. We know right from wrong. But the issue goes even further than that for atheists.

Atheists claim that there is no God. But what they don't understand is that in relativism they themselves become god. There is always some being who the world answers to, relates to, serves. In relativism it is the individual. Keller put's this well: "Ultimate reality was seen not so much as a supernatural order but as the natural world, and that was maleable. Instead of trying to shape our desires to fit reality, we now seek to control and shape reality to fit our desires." (emphasis added, Keller 71) The world relates to you. What you want defines the world. There is no such thing as an atheist. There is always a god. It just might be you.

1 comment:

Debra Bell said...

Unfortunately, most people do not mind being god -- until someone decides they are the next expendable member of the species.