Friday, December 19, 2008

Visual Argument

Our culture has a foolish obsession with physical beauty.

Cologne Commercial Screenshot:

Chocolate Commerical Screenshot:


Hana Jenkins said...

it really is kinda sad...almost as if they think people won't except them if they aren't beautiful.

UndercoverBlonde said...

So, what's the problem here? Your premise would appear to imply that the obsession is what you object to, while your illustrations don't really back that up.

What's wrong with beauty? When God created the world, He stood back and looked at it, and called it good. He didn't have to consider what was deep inside it to know that it was good; he could tell by merely observing how it looked. It was beautiful; it and everything in it, including the man that was made in His image. God didn't give us a gray, flat world that just has a good feeling. He gave us the Grand Canyon, the northern lights, the Rocky Mountains, the Amazon; He made a beautiful world that remained beautiful even after the Fall.

As a part of this beautiful creation, God also made us as humans beautiful. He took delight in making us in His image, and that image is beautiful. Superior, in a way, to the beauty of the rest of nature; while a flower or a horse can be beautiful, it doesn't reflect the image of God in the same way humans do. In some ways a pretentious thought, but in others a profoundly sobering one.

So, since God surrounded us by and filled us with physical beauty, as well as gifted us with the senses with which to observe it, it can't be wrong to appreciate it. Every society has loved beauty; look at the gold-plated Temple God had made in His honor - what a sight that must have been!

I think what the real problem with our society in this area is, firstly, the level of our obsession; it's a little out-of-hand, and kind of for the wrong reasons. 'Nough said there. However, I feel that the core of this problem is that physical beauty in the way that God created it is not truly what we love. The levels to which we go to change what He gave us (tattoos, excessive dieting, body building, gobs of piercings, etc.) show our deep-down hatred of the beauty He gave us. We think that we can do it way better.

This corruption of physical beauty into something unrealistic and unattainable is what I believe is wrong with these images. Instead of being beautiful in the way we were meant to be (with a little help...heck yes to clothes and makeup!!), we've turned to rebelling against our natural form. And that's why we're a mess.

(DUDE. LONG. Now I'm done rambling, feel free to argue right back at me. *grin*)

Ethan B. said...

LOL, Grace Anne. This was a school assignment, because this is a school blog. And the point of this "visual argument" was to show the LEVEL of obsession. I have *nothing* against beauty, because I know it is all from God. I am talking about our culture putting physical beauty and "sex appeal" above alomost everything else; you are nothing unless you are beautiful. So I don't disagree with you at all. I was just not allowed to use words to write something like you just wrote to explain myself. ;-) lol, I sat under Mr. C, too, you remember. ;-)

Thanks for your thoughts, though, Grace Anne! Maybe I should rephrase my title to avoid confusion...

Mercy Call said...

GRACK! IT TALKS! wow. grace.